Select AerialScreenSaverV3 from the list of screen savers. 1 Fliqlo Flip Clock Screensaver for Windows & Mac1.1 User reviews (73)1.2 Write a review2 () Mac Windows: 10 2.1 Apple.Select “Change screen saver” to open Screen open Screen Saver Settings. Type “screen saver” in the task bar search box.If any issues occur, please read the FAQ below or enter an issue to the tracker.Right click AerialScreenSaverV3.scr and choose Install, Windows will open Screen open Screen Saver Settings and set Aerial as the selected screensaver for you.Copy the AerialScreenSaverV3.scr file to your Windows installation folder (by default this should be c:\Windows on most PCs). You should be presented with a folder containing AerialScreenSaverV3.scr and AerialScreenSaverV3.exe.Just accept the default options from the Extraction wizard. Right-click and select “Extract All…” to unzip the downloaded file.Choose Aerial and click on Screen Saver Options to select your settings.

Open System Preferences -> Desktop & Screen Saver -> Screen Saver.If Aerial.saver could not be opened, place Aerial.saver in ~/Library/Screen Savers Open Aerial.saver and confirm installation.Aerial is a screen saver based on the new Apple TV screen saver that displays the aerial movies Apple shot over New York, San Francisco, Hawaii, China, etc.